Free Ash Trade.
The Irish Forestry Services:
have three press releases on view on their site regarding
Ash Die Back.
One was released on the 07 November 2012.,67442,en.html
Another one on the 02 November 2012.
And another one on the 26th of October 2012.,67308,en.html
Read them. They are written in the language of free trade
and they use words like
“to minimize, to help reduce risk, a proportionate response”
In these press releases Minister of State with
responsibility for forestry, at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the
Marine, Shane McEntee TD clearly states that
“The scientific advice is that the movement of ash timber is
a possible pathway of infection” and “While I understand plants are the highest
risk in terms of a pathway for the disease, wood is also a risk etc, etc.
Yet he does not ban the importation of Ash wood or even
consider it; even as a temporary measure.
He is quite prepared to run the risk of the appalling spread of this disease
for the benefit of the tiny few who gain from such a trade in timber.
Here again is the good of the few being placed above the
good of the many, here is an elected politician endangering the common good,
that he was elected and promised to protect.
There are also no photos, no advice no information on this
disease on this site despite claims to the contrary. Unlike in England, where
it has been declared a national emergency it seem not to matter one whit here.
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